
Product Description

This product corresponds to the filtered wrapped interferogram in radar geometry. It is multi-looked. The number of looks is provided in metadata (parameter Rlooks_int of the processing file nsbas.proc or in the meta data file). It corresponds to the multilooking in azimuth direction. In range, a further multilooking by a factor 4 (ratio in nsbas.proc) is applied to obtain a squared pixel.

Composition of the bands is described in InWF page.

(Note: result produced by the task Unwrapped Interferograms in; product, preview and metadata by


Png file with a legend file:

Filtered Wrapped interferogram in radar geometry
../_images/CNES_InWF_radar.png ../_images/legend_InWF_radar.png

A metadata file can be downloaded here: InWF_radar.meta